Five days ago, a young woman who is expecting a child reached out to me. She was completely distressed and anxious.
Five days ago, the doctors found an abnormality in her results and decided to run more tests which only brought about more negative news… According to the results, the baby was not doing ok. They booked the young woman for more detailed tests and told her to get ready to be hospitalized.
Five days ago, she was in total agony, worrying about her unborn child, worrying about her future.
I told her what to do to bypass the mind and to go deeper.
And she did.
Today, I’ve received a message that the hospital ran the tests again this morning and the results were absolutely normal. The doctors didn’t find any abnormality. Everything was perfect. ❤️
She texted me being absolutely joyful. 🙂
Over the years, I’ve seen my clients remove diseases from their bodies – high blood pressure, chronic pain, thyroid issues, cancer and more.
There is no such thing as a miracle.
A miracle is just a structure of our Existence not understood.
There is just human conditioning people have been functioning on for years. Any disease or abnormality a person develops has been created on the level of the mind. As such, any disease is created in the metaphysical body first and only then it is expressed in this physical dimension, which is low, rough and conditioned. Human conditioning, which people have been exposed to for thousands of years, is destructive to our system and hence the body develops various diseases.
When you cease to exist on the level of the mind, the body goes into its natural balance, naturally.
Know thyself.
You are not your mind.
Existence cannot be comprehended by what our mind can grasp and senses can perceive.
Drop the human conditioning that prevents you from fully experiencing your life in its richness and effortlessness.
There, beyond the mind, is a deeper dimension of consciousness that is your true self. It is the true YOU – free of human concepts, living a rich fulfilled life and creating experiences others call impossible.
Go deeper. ❤️ 🔥 ❤️