“You know that if people who know you heard you right now, they’d think you are crazy?” was a response I received.


It happened a few years ago, after I was sharing my truth with someone close to me. I spoke with absolute certainty about


* the holographic projection our mind creates, making an illusion of physical reality, and of a time-space continuum,

* the nature of the Consciousness of who we truly are beyond the mind and the body,

* the fact that action creates results and/or that the more effort we put in, the bigger result we get, is purely human conditioning and can be simply dropped,

* how reality is not fixed, but instead our future timeline is being determined every minute depending on the energetic blueprint the mind is creating,

* how all stress, anxiety, and challenges exist only in the mind and perpetuate the illusion of fixed reality.


I didn’t care.


I didn’t care what people would think.


I couldn’t live the lie anymore. After knowing myself beyond the mind, it felt like a complete delusion to believe in the illusion it created for me.


Today, people who reach out to me for help experience an instant shift in their state. The perception of who they are and their way of living changes. They shift into a feeling of deep peace, joy, and trust.


I help my clients completely drop the mind’s conditioning and move them into their natural state – a state free from conditioned thoughts and emotions.


* They are spending 80% less time working compared with how much they were before, while achieving the highest revenue in the history of their entrepreneurship.

* They are being given unexpected bonuses and promotions, while not stressing and working less.

* They are enjoying a drama-free life, as their relationships get completely transformed.

* Every decision they make and every action they take comes with absolute certainty that can’t be achieved on the level of the mind.

* Having no fear or anxiety about future they drop control and planning, and are fully enjoying every day.

* After years of working hard and stressing, they are allowing themselves to do what they want to do with their time.


Above all, they feel immense gratitude for life. Deeply grounded in their true self, they are grateful for finding the most fundamental connection that has ever mattered and ever will: the connection with the self, the Consciousness they are, from which all external reality arises.
None of the people I share this with or help, whether they knew me before or they’ve just met me, think I am crazy. On the contrary, the words I hear are “you have opened up my world. This is what my soul has been craving for so long.”


NEVER ever hide your truth.


NEVER trade it for approval.


NEVER expect others to understand you.


Doing it would be slow suicide.


No matter what shape or form your truth takes; no matter how disruptive it seems to be; no matter how much it triggers the belief system of others. Realize that your truth is not in you to prove yourself right and others wrong.


It’s in you to LIVE it.


Once you embody it, you will magnetize the people who have been waiting for it. You will have a huge impact on their lives and they will impact the lives of others.


You don’t need to concern yourself with how it will happen. Your only focus should be to discard everything you are not.




🔥 Become completely empty with no concept of who you are. The current concept of you has been creating the reality you are experiencing. If you want to live the unimaginable, you need to become empty of everything you think is you.

🔥 Turn away from everything you have been taught about yourself and the world. Both the world you see and the challenges you face are a part of the same illusion. Only once you question it, the illusion can start changing its shape and form.

🔥 Drop the mind that holds all the belief systems of individual and mass conditioning. The conditioned mind creates the stress and pain you are experiencing, and the experience strengthens the conditioned mind. It’s a vicious cycle.

🔥 Drop the body that anchors you in those belief systems with conditioned emotions. They are not yours, no matter how real the identification with it feels to you. They only represent the emotional patterns of thousands of years of human conditioning. Every minute of your life those patterns recreate the same illusion of physical reality.


When you do, you’ll liberate yourself from the illusion and the true self will arise.


You’ll shift into a permanent state of higher consciousness, your natural state of joy and peace. The state in which any information is obsolete, because it has been replaced with wisdom.


In this state, you are not sharing your truth, but you are living it.


You are embodying it.


You are being it.


Effortlessly. Naturally.


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